Thursday 15 September 2011

First Week = Complete

So I have been in St. Johns for a week now and I am loving it

I finished Community orientation week or what I like to call COW :). So my trip is now officially starting!!!!

We have already done a lot in terms of getting around. First day I went to a refugee camp simulation and it was really informative and interesting to learn about. I have also officially climbed signal hill! Such a beautiful hike! It was amazing! I have a lot of pictures.. I just haven't figured out how to upload them yet..

St Johns is not an overly big place but we do have to walk everywhere which is awesome because it's so hilly so its good exercise... but it's not so good when you have to get up early so you can walk for 1.5 hours to get to where you need to be.

I got my work placement today :D and I got the one I wanted!!! Woot woot! I will be working at Eastern Health as a recreation leader in an elderly care facility. I am really excited about it because it is a new and different experience for me . I told the lady in the interview that my future goals were to get into physiotherapy so she told me I can for sure sit in on a few session to watch what is happening. So it sounds like a really awesome place to work.

My host family is really awesome! My host mom and dad are great people I don't think I could have gotten a better family. I got to make dinner tonight and it was the most epic spaghetti ever made! So healthy and so delicious.

Eventhough I am having a lot of fun and learning a lot there have definitely been problems and issues that have already come up and been really hard to deal with. I am doing my best to work through them, it is taking a lot of sacrifice on my end and I am really trying hard to stand up for myself and not bottle it up, which is new to me.

Tomorrow there is going to be a hurricane!!! GAHHH I am really nervous but also kinda excited.. is that weird? anyways it will be interesting to see what happens... Pray that I stay safe. Saturday I am doing my first aid training with the red cross so that will be really good to have under my belt :)

So thats been my life the last week... message me and tell me about yours :)

Love you all

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